Limited domain synthesis

This chapter discusses and gives examples of building synthesis systems for limited domains. By limited domain, we mean applications where the speech output is constrained. Such domains may still be infinite but they may be target to specific vocabulary and phrases. In fact with today's current speech system such limited domain applications are in fact the most common. Some typical examples are telling the time, reading telephone numbers. However from experience we can see that this technique can be extended to include more general information giving systems and dialog systems, such as reading the weather, or even the DARPA Communicator domain (flight information dialog system).

Limited domains are discussed here as it is felt that it should be easier to build unit selection type synthesizers for domains where there are a much smaller and controlled number of units. The second reason is that general TTS systems (e.g. diphone systems) still sound synthetic. General unit selection when its good, offers near human quality, but when its bad it is usually much worse than a diphone synthesizer. Hybrid systems look interesting but as we cannot yet automatically detect when general unit selection systems go bad, its not clear when a diphone system should be swapped in. But as unit selection offers so much promise, it is hoped that in a limited domain we can get the unit selection good quality, and avoid the bad quality. Finally, although full TTS systems may be our ultimate goal actually for many existing systems a limited domain synthesizer is adequate.

There is a stage beyond limited domain, but falling short of general one synthesis, where the most common phrases are the best synthesized and the quality gracefully degrades as the phrases become less common. Some hybrid recorded prompts/unit selection/diphone systems have been proposed and should be able to deliver and answer but we will not deal directly with those here.

However one point you quickly find is that although most speech dialog systems are very constrained in their vocabulary many require the hardest class of words: proper names.

In continuing in mode of tutorial this chapter first gives a complete walkthrough of a talking clock. This is a small example which will probably work. Following through this example will give you a good idea of what is involved in building a limited domain synthesizer. Also in the following section problems and modifications can be better discussed with respect to this complete example.

designing the prompts

To get a good limited domain synthesizer, it is important to understand what is going on so you can properly tailor your application to take proper advantage of what can be good, and to avoid the limitations these methods impose.

Note that you may wish to change your application to take better advantage of this by making its output forms more regular, or at least use a smaller vocabulary. As a first basic approximation the techniques here require that the training contain all words which are to be actually synthesized. Therefore if a word does not appear in the training data it cannot be synthesized. We do provide fall back positions, using a diphone voice, but that will always be worse than the more natural unit selection synthesis. Often this isn't much of a restriction, or you can tailor your application to avoid having a large vocabulary. For example if you are going to build a system for reading weather reports you can make the weather reports not actually name the city/town they refer to and just use phrases like "This city ..." and depend of context for the user to know which actually city is being talked about.

Of course many speech applications have limited vocabularies in all but a very few places. Proper names such as places, people, movie names, etc are in general complete open classes. Building a speech application around those aspects isn't easy and may make a limit domain synthesizer just impractical. But it should be noted that those open classes are also the classes that more general synthesizers will often fail on too. Some hybrid system may better solve that, which we will not really deal with here.

For almost closed class, recording and modify the data may be a solution but we have not yet got enough experience to comment on this yet but we feel that may be a reasonable compromise.

The most difficult part of building a limited domain synthesizer is designed the database to record that best covers what you wish the synthesizer to say. Sometimes this is fairly easy in that you wish the synthesizer to simple read utterances in a very standard form where slot will be filled with varying values (such as, dates numbers etc.) Such as

The area code you require is NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER.

The prompts can be devised to fill in values for each of the NUMBER variables.

More complex utterance can still be viewed in this way

The weather at TIME on DATE: outlook OUTLOOK, NUMBER degrees.

But once we move into more general dialog its appears initially harder to properly find the utterances that cover the domain.

The first important observation to make is that in such systems where limited domain synthesis is practical the phrases to be spoken are almost certainly generated by a computer. That is there exists an explicit function which the language generated by the applications. In some case this will take the form of an explicit grammar. In this case we can use that grammar to generate phrase language and then select from them utterance that adequately cover the domain. However even when there is an explicit grammar it usually will not allow explicitly encode the frequency of each generated utterance. As we wish to ensure that the most common phrases are synthesized best we ideally need to know which utterances are to be synthesized most often to properly select which utterance to record.

Where a system is already running with a standard synthesizer it is possible to record what is currently being said and how often. We can then use such logs of current system usage to select which utterance should be in our set of prompts to record.

In practice you will be design the system's output at the same time as the limited domain synthesizer so some combination, and guessing of the frequency and cover will be necessary.

In general you should design your databases to have at least 2 (and probably 5) examples of each word in you vocabulary. Secondly you should select utterances that maximise bi-gram coverage. That is try to ensure as many different word-word pairings over your corpus. We have used techniques based on these recommendations to greedily select utterances from larger corpora to record.